Rpm Tony Robbins Software For Mac

What you want.Anthony Robbins RPM Life Planner Life Management System Software is. Getting Started with RPM This is the technical information youll need to get the.Guest post by: Anthony Robbins. Rpm tony robbins software for mac Tony initially created the RPM Rapid Planning Method system to help himself manage all of his. Rpm tony robbins video. Tony Robbins has helped me massively over the past few years. He’s a massive name in self-help and was coached by none other than Jim Rohn!. The Tony Robbins RPM method is from the Time of Your Life program, and it’s really allowed me to focus my energy into areas that mean the most to me.

Tony Robbins’ Rapid Planning Method (RPM) Software Hacks

Pssst… If you believe that your business is a force for good, check out my edit at the end of this post?

I am a Tony Robbins fan.

I was exposed to the Time Of Your Life program early this year and love RPM (Results, Purpose, MAP [Massive Action Plan]).

Full respect and credit where it is due, that’s to the big man himself. Thank you Tony.

With my focus on digital technology VS a paper system. I was challenged as to how I would implement RPM into my life.

Searching the web for software to run RPM was fruitless and admittedly I wasted far too much time in that quest. When I resigned to there being no solution I decided to work out how I could use the tools I already use to do the job.

I use Asana for project and task management in my branding agency. If you are unfamiliar with Asana, it is a free tool (for small groups) with a mobile app and web interface.

It’s perfect for capturing tasks & actions on the fly, and organising and prioritising later.

I have jumped ahead of myself. If you are not familiar with RPM, my first recommendation is to learn from the master.

Get your hands on the Time Of Your Life program. It will change your life. Like my coach said, if you think you haven’t got time to do it, that’s exactly why you must!

Adobe cc 2018 keygen download. As a quick overview RPM is about starting any task, project or piece of work by defining three elements. With these three set you are much more likely to get the result you want.

Results – What is the Outcome or Results you really want, and are committed to achieving? << Seeing the end game makes success possible

Purpose – Why do you want to achieve these results? << A why that is meaningful to you will drive you to complete it. It is where the power lives.

MAP (Massive Action Plan) Landa pressure washer pghw manual. – What are the specific actions you will take to get the outcome? << Create your clear and achievable actions to get the outcome you want.

It goes far beyond that of course, and there are better resources to explain the whole process.

What I intend to do here is show how I am implementing RPM as I have come to use it. With the tools I use, namely Asana & Google Calendar.

Asana is free for me (less than 15 in my team), but I do have a Google Apps account which costs me $5 per month.

So let’s get into it.

My starting point. Here’s what I have got:

Tony Robbins Rpm App

Tony robbins rpm planner software
  • My why for doing this!
  • My Categories of Improvement and Magnificent Seven for each – 6 personal & 6 professional.
  • A free Asana account
  • A Google Calendar.
  • An iPhone (always with me)
  • A laptop (to use for weekly planning)

The Results for this project (yes I RPM’d it) were: I want a process and tools that are easy to use and work with my life, enabling me to do my weekly and daily planning anywhere that I am.

The Purpose: Because I know RPM works and I know that for it to become a part of my routine I need it to be stupidly easy to implement and convenient to use on a daily basis.


  1. Evaluate tools I use for capacity to recreate RPM.
  2. Commit to one or more that will do the job.
  3. Implement the process.
  4. Review after a week
  5. Refine and review.
  6. Document for others (here is where I am at).


I am going to assume you know how Asana works and dive into my process. You can subscribe and learn on the Asana site, or watch some YouTube how to’s.

I have my personal assistant and the rest of my team in Asana which helps me to delegate the tasks easily come planning time. Don’t have an assistant? GET ONE! 🙂

Here’s the sequence

  1. Setup your Asana
    1. Project – My RPM Planner
    2. Task Category – Use these as projects (I have some defaults there matching my Areas for Improvement:
      1. Have your RPM set in each.
    3. Calendar Sync – So it shows up in the Google Calendar
  2. Capture
    1. Phone or Desktop
    2. Open Asana, view the My RPM Planner – Tap add new task, enter the text and repeat for everything you think of as it happens. Free yourself!
  3. Weekly Planning
    1. Do this Friday to Sunday (or it won’t show in the Calendar on Monday)
    2. Open Google Calendar & Asana Calendar view of your tasks and see what needs to be brought forward.
    3. Check Gmail for uncaptured tasks
    4. Capture everything new
    5. Review your Capture list in My RPM Planner in Asana
    6. Create new Task Categories (as projects)
    7. Drag the tasks into their Task Categories (project groups)
    8. Rename them with the project reference name and the (Time/MT) for completion
    9. Add any necessary detail into the description
    10. Create fixed appointments where they are necessary, but don’t do your whole week like that!
    11. Delegate/Assign where possible
    12. Add a Deadline date (you will shift these around in a moment)
    13. Switch to Calendar view and review the MT you’ve created for each day
    14. Drag around the items based on the priority and MT, personally I only commit to 6 hours of MT per day. I am working on that becoming 4!
    15. Done! Go pat yourself on the back!
  4. Day Planning
    1. Open Google Calendar – You will see your Asana tasks sitting above the day.
    2. You can click on the item to launch the task in Asana if you need a refresher on the Results, Purpose & MAP – You may come up with a simpler way to do it! 🙂
    3. Add task to your calendar using the button that says that
      1. Click “find a time” and map it in according to the time you’ve specified for it.
    4. Repeat until your day is planned!
    5. Now go crush the day!
  5. Recap / Celebrate
    1. At the end of the day launch Asana and tick off what you have done.
    2. Move anything important but undone into the future
    3. Journal the milestones you have achieved
    4. Celebrate your successes!

Rpm Tony Robbins Software For Mac Osx

That’s it. Simple right?

Let me know how you go, any ideas you have that can improve this process, and just to say hi, because you too are a Tony Robbins fan (and an awesome person).


Do you believe that your business is a force for good?

If so, You Freakin Rock my friend! We are kindred spirits (awesome!).

I’ve started a private Facebook group for like minds to help each other increase our positive impact on the planet. And I’d like you to be a part of it.

If you’re up for it. Make your move and say “Yes” here.

Warmly, Luke

P.S. Find out more about me via my homepage.